Saturday 17 October 2009


This night we stayed in Inchon and for dinner a small group of us (the more adventurous some might say) picked a local Korean restaurant for dinner. There was a total language barrier here with us not being able to speak Korean and the people running the restaurant not being able to speak English. So in true "what the hell" spirit we pointed at a Hangul covered board and ordered 4 dishes at random.

What we got was an amazing selection of food that we would cook ourselves. The biggest surprise however was a bowl of unidentifiable insects as a side dish, which after a little "I dare you to go first" game actually turned out to be quite nice.

At one point in the meal we were handed a mobile telephone. The staff bless them had called round their friends for someone who could speak English and who could translate, but we didn't really need it as by this point we were off and running (with the eating I mean).

Later on an English speaking local came in (I don't know if they called him to come round) and had a chat with us. He was surprised that we were eating the insects as "Americans don't usually eat them". We told him that we weren't American and that they were probably at McDonalds. He went off and chatted to the girl who was serving us. 5 minutes later another bowl of insects was served. Whilst they were nice, 2 bowls was pushing it. We bagged some of them to show the others on the coach what we'd eaten (actually Andy forget about the bag and discovered it towards the end of the trip).

The whole meal was delicious and extremely cheap so we felt it appropriate to give a decent tip, which led to initial protests but when we insisted they take it they were elated. A nice ending to a very fun evening.

From the restaurant we went to a local bar where we had to endure a Christina Aguilera concert on a loop. At least it wasn't Celine Dion and we stayed long enough for a couple of drinks before heading to bed.

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